Our latest blogs
Heat Pumps: How They Optimise Home Heat Efficiency
Looking to cut down on your heating bills and boost your home’s energy efficiency? Heat pumps could be the game-changer you need. In fact, according to the UK Energy Research Centre, heat pump installation can reduce energy demands by up to 40%, resulting in lower bills and less environmental damage.
How to bleed your radiator
With over 84% of the United Kingdom using gas heating systems, the likelihood is that at some point, you will have to start bleeding your radiators periodically to ensure efficiency and maximum heating throughout your home. Over time and with continuous use, air bubbles are trapped in radiators, preventing hot water from circulating throughout the house properly. Air in radiators stops them from heating up as quickly as they should, therefore reducing the efficiency of your household heating system and costing you more money as a result. However, bleeding your radiators is a relatively straightforward process, and the best part is you don’t have to be an expert to do it!
A guide to solar energy
With many consumers on the hunt for ways to save energy, live more sustainably and save money, solar energy is a natural solution. The sun is a renewable power source, one which can be used to provide electricity and hot water within the home. Here’s a look at the ins and outs of solar panels.
Which Is The Best Boiler for a Small House or 1 Bed Flat?
One of the worst things is when you turn on your radiator and notice that it won’t heat up. Even worse, this problem almost always seems to occur at the worst possible time. Luckily, most radiator problems are easy to fix, so if your central heating system isn’t providing your home with enough warmth – you can repair the issue.
Real Tips from Real Engineers: How to Keep Your Home Safe and Warm All Year Round
Top engineers and electricians offer valuable tips to ensure your home remains comfortable and safe throughout the year.
Home Maintenance in 2024: A Guide to Efficiency and Savings
Many home issues are easier to prevent than to fix. Here’s a handy checklist to keep your home in good, energy-efficient, working order.
Owning an EV: my thoughts, one year on – by Nicola Battey
Today marks one year of having an EV, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on how I’ve found it so far…
Firstly, I’ve avoided having a car in London for as long as reasonably possible – but with two small humans to look after, it was simply too difficult to put off any longer. In all honesty, before I had an EV I didn’t particularly enjoy driving but I love having our EV – and here’s why.
Energy-efficient Appliances in the Home
As the cost of living crisis continues, homeowners are questioning the efficiency of the appliances in their home in an effort to reduce their energy bills as much as possible.
Opinion: Getting to Net Zero
The net-zero race is on – and in 2019, the UK Government committed to a target of getting to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 to help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on the global stage.