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The benefits of energy-saving light bulbs
Incandescent and inefficient halogen light bulbs are being gradually phased out of the market, with energy saving bulbs stepping up to the plate. This new generation of light bulbs shine brighter, last longer, and reduce the amount of energy that’s required to power them. They’re an efficient everyday solution, lowering your electricity bill and helping you to get more out of a common household item.
What is white goods insurance?
‘White goods’ is a term used to describe a wide range of large household appliances commonly found in the home. Fridges, fridge-freezers, washing machines and cookers are common white good appliances. Other common examples of kitchen white goods are tumble dryers, dishwashers, water heaters, microwaves and air conditioners. Kitchen white goods are also known as electrical white goods.
What is kitchen appliance insurance?
Nowadays, most kitchens contain a plethora of appliances. These broadly fall into two categories. Small electrical appliances, such as toasters, filter coffee machines, sandwich makers and kettles, which are usually reasonably inexpensive to buy, and replace if they are damaged. The other group are the larger kitchen appliances, sometimes known colloquially as white goods. Typical white goods found in the kitchen are; washing machines, dishwashers, tumble dryers, fridges, freezers and cookers, and it is these that are usually included in kitchen appliance insurance.
What is home emergency insurance
It goes without saying that having a good home insurance policy in place is key when it comes to owning a property. In addition, a lot of landlords or homeowners may also have additional measures in place such as security systems and fire alarms to reduce the risk of theft or fire, but what about those unexpected events that you can’t really prevent?
What is home appliance insurance?
Home appliance insurance provides cover for your appliances and electronics. A policy usually covers any repair, labour, and replacement costs for household appliances, such as:
What is domestic appliance insurance?
A domestic nightmare, like your washing machine leaking or your fridge failing, can quickly turn your mood from good to bad. We rely on these appliances so much that when something goes wrong it becomes somewhat of a crisis!
Saving money with a new boiler
While researching your boiler purchase, you have probably come across multiple sites that show you how you can save money with a new boiler. In 2017, the market is now full of budget and high-efficiency boilers. In this article, we will explain how much a new boiler could save you, and the developments that are being made to improve boiler efficiency.
Preparing your boiler for winter
By the time winter rolls around, your boiler will be hard at work to keep your home warm, so summer is the time to check it’s in full working order. A few quick checks and a bit of TLC can mean the difference between a boiler breakdown in the cold winter months and a comfortable home. In this article, we advise you on some steps you can take yourself to avoid any unwelcome emergencies…
How to switch energy supplier
To switch energy supplier, all you need is your post code and a recent energy bill. You can find out various tariffs through Ofgem approved sites, which ensures you get the best deal based on your current living situation. Ofgem have researched that you can on average save around £300 on your annual energy bills if you switch supplier.