Hometree blog

For the latest Hometree updates, stories, home maintenance advice, and sustainability tips, explore our blog.

Real Tips from Real Engineers: How to Keep Your Home Safe and Warm All Year Round

Hometree is serious about good service. From our UK-based call centre staff to our nationwide network of engineers, our dedicated team is committed to providing the best possible customer experience.

Home Maintenance in 2024: A Guide to Efficiency and Savings

As we make strides into the new year, maintaining a comfortable and efficient home is essential for both your peace of mind and your bank balance.

How to Bleed a Radiator Without a Key

The way to bleed a radiator depends on the type you have and the tools available to you. Radiator keys are easy to misplace, but given the right alternatives and know-how, you can still bleed a radiator without one.

Our latest blogs

How to Unblock a Toilet

A blocked toilet can be a nuisance, but what’s worse is, it’s a problem many of us won’t have a clue how to fix. If the question you’re asking is, how do you unblock a toilet? The good news is, when a toilet backs up, there are a few different ways you can unblock it. Once you’ve learned how to conquer this issue, you’ll be equipped to tackle future blockages.

How to fix a dripping tap

What’s more annoying than getting into bed, ready for a good night’s sleep, only to be kept awake by a dripping tap? Drip, drip, drip, it goes on and on and as you’re lying there thinking about how irritating it is, you also start thinking about how much it’s costing you in wasted water. The good news is it’s not something you have to put up with and you needn’t spend money calling out a plumber. Fixing a leaking tap is usually a simple DIY task.

How to unblock an outside drain

Funny smell in your home? Sink taking ages to drain? It sounds like you’ve got a bit of a blockage. But don’t panic! Drain unblocker tasks are relatively easy to carry out yourself and chances are you won’t need to call out the experts.

How to prevent plumbing leaks

Plumbing leaks can be expensive, not to mention an inconvenience. Turning your water supply off at the stopcock is the best way to prevent a leak from seriously damaging your home. It’s also good to have emergency home cover so you can limit repair costs and get expert help right away.

Common Water Leaks & How To Fix Them

Has your water bill suddenly increased but you haven’t been using more water than usual? Or are you being kept awake by a dripping tap? You may have a small water leak somewhere in your property. It’s important to check, as leaks can cause water damage or affect your boiler pressure, central heating, and hot water supply.

How to unclog your kitchen drain

If water is taking a lifetime to drain away, there’s a funny smell in the air and your sink sounds like it’s burping, you’ve probably got a blockage. A blocked kitchen sink drain isn’t the most pleasant thing to deal with and can be a real inconvenience but usually, it’s straightforward to repair.

How to unclog drains

The sink’s taking a lifetime to drain, water’s pooling around your feet in the shower and there’s a rather funny smell coming from the kitchen (and no it’s not your cooking!) The warning signs are all there and we’re sorry to say, you’ve probably got a clogged drain.

How to unclog a waste drain

If your sink, shower and bathtub are taking a while to drain or there’s water rising from your toilet bowl, it’s safe to say you’ve got a blocked waste pipe. Don’t worry – it’s not as scary as it sounds. In fact, it’s something you might be able to fix yourself with the help of our drain unblocker tips.

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